My Cat Has Dandruff — Should I Worry and How Should I Treat It?
The post My Cat Has Dandruff — Should I Worry and How Should I Treat It? by Dr. Arnold Plotnick appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on
Don’t immediately panic if you find yourself having to tell people “my cat has dandruff.” Cats take grooming seriously, and most cats maintain a beautiful, spotless hair coat. Occasionally, however, cats will develop (horror of horrors) dandruff!
Of course, cat dandruff — dry, dead skin cells that flake off from the skin — isn’t a cause of social embarrassment in cats like it is in humans. They couldn’t care less. In most cases, dandruff is simply unsightly, although occasionally it can be an indicator of an underlying medical condition.
My cat has dandruff — what’s causing it?
If you’ve arrived here by searching “My cat has dandruff,” you’re not alone. Photography ©Dixi | Getty Images.
Although most veterinary textbooks don’t list dandruff as a symptom of diabetes, in my veterinary practice it is very common for diabetic cats to have dull, dry, flaky hair coats. The classic signs of diabetes are excessive thirst and urination, weight loss despite a ravenous appetite and occasional weakness in the rear legs. Middle-aged (8- to 10-years old) males are more commonly affected. If you’ve found yourself searching, “my cat has dandruff,” and your cat displays the symptoms listed above, take him to the vet to check if he is diabetic.
Obesity is another cause of dandruff in cats, which can be found in the lower back region, and the reason for that is obvious: These cats are too chubby to reach around and groom their backs properly.
In my practice, the most common reason for dandruff is simply dry skin. Here in the Northeast, winters can be pretty dry, and cats will often develop flaky skin, most notably along the lower back, simply from low humidity. Sigh … if only they moisturized after bathing.
My cat has dandruff — how do I treat it?
Overweight cats are at an increased risk for diabetes, which can lead to dry, flaky coats. Photography ©adogslifephoto | Getty Images.
Another question you’ll have when searching, “my cat has dandruff” — how to treat it. Treatment of dandruff depends on the cause. Dandruff is the least of a diabetic cat’s problems. The diabetes should be addressed promptly. Diabetic cats are treated with insulin in conjunction with a high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet. As the diabetes resolves, the dandruff usually goes away as well.
Overweight cats should be put on a diet. Increased physical activity helps weight loss, but this is easier to accomplish in dogs and people than it is in cats. In cats, the main focus is dietary. Prescription diets for weight loss can be of the high-fiber/low-fat variety or the high-protein/low-carb variety. Both diets are effective, although the high-protein/low-carb diets may be more suitable, as cats are true carnivores and were not designed to take in too many carbs.
Also, in the past, when I used to put overweight cats (without dandruff) on a low-fat diet, they occasionally developed dandruff. I used to feel a little guilty about this, but not too much, since it was much more in the cat’s best interest, health wise, to not be obese compared with a few flakes of dandruff. With the high-protein/low-carb diets, however, inducing dandruff is never a problem.
My cat has dandruff — do I need to see the vet?
Cat parents searching for, “my cat has dandruff,” often wonder if that cat dandruff means a trip to the vet. An otherwise healthy cat with a few flakes of dandruff probably doesn’t require a veterinary visit. However, if the dandruff is prominent and if any other signs of illness are present, you should schedule a veterinary consultation. If your veterinarian agrees that it is just a dry-skin problem, you have several options to address the issue.
Mild cases can be ignored; a few flakes are no big deal. Grooming the cat with a flea comb (a comb with teeth that are very close together) often helps remove flakes from the coat. In moderate cases, bathing your cat with a keratolytic shampoo — one that dissolves flakes — often helps control the dandruff. Most veterinary offices carry these special shampoos, although keep in mind that no cat on Earth enjoys being bathed.
A fatty acid supplement rich in omega-3 fatty acids often reduces or eliminates dandruff and improves the general appearance of the coat, although it may take several weeks to see the full effect. Omega-3 fatty acids come in a variety of forms — capsules, liquids and treats. You would think that cats would love these supplements, being that they are derived from fish oil.
However, in my experience, a significant number of cats (perhaps as much as 40 percent) despise the taste of them and will refuse food to which these supplements are added. Kitty dandruff is, in most cases, an unsightly nuisance more than anything. If there’s no underlying medical disorder, then there’s no cause for alarm.
Concerned owners can be proactive by avoiding obesity in their cat, brushing their cat regularly and using a humidifier during the cold, dry winter months. By doing this, your cat’s hair coat will be head and shoulders above his kitty colleagues. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist that one.)
What is “walking dandruff” in cats?
In any article about feline dandruff, Cheyletiella probably bears mentioning. Cheyletiella is a mite that can affect cats, dogs, rabbits and people. They live on the surface of the skin, completing their entire life cycle while on the host animal.
The most common sign of Cheyletiella is itching and dandruff. The itching is mainly on the back, but it can also be anywhere on the trunk. Dry, white scales are often present down the back.
When a cat infested with Cheyletiella is examined closely, the dandruff can be seen to be moving, which explains the name “walking dandruff” that is often used to describe Cheyletiella.
The movement is actually caused by the mites moving around beneath the dandruff flakes. Cats can develop small scabs all over their body, and symmetrical hair loss can be seen along the sides of the body where the cat might be overgrooming from the itchiness.
Diagnosis is made by examining skin scrapings under the microscope, but because the mites live on the surface of the skin, they may be detected using the “Scotch tape technique,” in which a piece of clear tape is applied to the scaly part of the skin and is then stained and adhered to a slide for microscopic evaluation.
Cheyletiella is easily treated with topical products, such as selamectin (Revolution). Cheyletiella is pretty uncommon, although most veterinarians have seen a few cases in their career (I’ve seen three cases in 29 years).
Thumbnail: Photography ©SilviaJansen | Getty Images.
Dr. Arnold Plotnick is the founder of Manhattan Cat Specialists, a feline-exclusive veterinary practice on Manhattan’s upper west side. He is also an author of The Original Cat Fancy Cat Bible. Dr. Plotnick is a frequent contributor to feline publications and websites, including his own blog, Cat Man Do. He lives in New York City with his cats, Mittens and Glitter.
Editor’s note: This article appeared in Catster magazine. Have you seen the new Catster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting room of your vet’s office? Subscribe now to get Catster magazine delivered straight to you!
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The post My Cat Has Dandruff — Should I Worry and How Should I Treat It? by Dr. Arnold Plotnick appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on
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