The Benefits of Pet Ownership in Reducing Stress
The post The Benefits of Pet Ownership in Reducing Stress appeared first on Katzenworld - Welcome to the world of cats! . Every day, people encounter stress in various forms. Studies show that most common cause of stress is work-related, 4 in 5 adults experience this. While a moderate amount of stress can enhance work and productivity, excessive stress can lead to a negative effect on health, mood, relationships, and the overall well-being. Stress Awareness Day is an annual event to raise awareness about stress, its causes, and effects. Stress Awareness Day falls onto Wednesday 1st of November this year. On this occasion, the leading pet insurer petGuard investigated how pet ownership can help to combat stress. “Having a pet brings many mental and physical health benefits for both adults and children” says James Whitten, the Marketing Manager at petGuard. Helps lower the stress levels Whenever feeling stressed or anxious, the brain may release adrenaline and cortisol (the stress